OBA Members are Licensed and available to assist you in Oklahoma. Search by First Name, Last Name or County.
Your future in bail starts right here with the OBA. From Education to being licensed, help is here.
The OBA is the provider for Pre-License courses (in-person only). Continuing education for licensened Bondsmen is available in person, online, or via video playback at the OBA office.
Role Of The OBA
The Oklahoma Bondsman Association and the member elected board provide training for bondsmen, work with the judicial and legislative branch of government to ensure laws serve and protect Oklahoma.
OBA Board
The nine members of the OBA Board are elected by the membership. They receive no pay for setting on the board. Each member serves a two-year term. Meetings are held each month and members are encouraged to attend.
How Bail Works
Bail is a civil contract that obtains the release of a person arrested or charged with a crime. Licensed bondsmen are issued identification from the state. Make sure that you get copies of contracts you sign.
License Lookup
To check the status of a bondsman’s license in Oklahoma, select ‘OKLAHOMA – INDIVIDUAL’ and then enter a name. Look at the ‘License Type – Status’ row. The Oklahoma Insurance Department is available for questions or complaints.
Bail Laws
Bondsmen and who they can employ are highly regulated in Oklahoma. If you need to know if something is legal or not, you can find answers in the current statutes and rules for the bail industry.
Bail Enforcement
Licensed bondsmen may apprehend or surrender their own clients. If you are not a licensed bondsman, you will need a BE License to arrest bail clients. Education is provided by CLEET approved schools and the license is issued by the State.